Copyright Policy

The entire content included on this site, including but not limited to text, graphics or code is copyrighted under the United States and other copyright laws, and is the property of AvenueCX, LLC. except where otherwise noted.

© AvenueCX, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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AvenueCX, LLC. will grant permission to any Web site viewer who wishes to publish a physical reprint of any part of the Web site or any of its embedded contents on paper for free provided the following conditions are met:

  • If the physical publication is for a non-profit organization, then AvenueCX, LLC. will grant you permission to make a physical reprint limited to four pages.
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  • Credit is given to AvenueCX, including display of logo and link to website.

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Disclaimer Regarding Accuracy of Vendor Information

Product specifications and other information have either been provided by the Vendors or collected from publicly available sources. While AvenueCX, LLC. makes every effort to ensure that the information on this Web site is accurate, we can make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or reliability of any information provided on this web site

AvenueCX, LLC. makes no warranties or representations whatsoever with regard to any product provided or offered by any Vendor, and you, the User, acknowledge that any reliance on representations and warranties provided by any Vendor shall be at your own risk.

Fair Use

The fair use clause applies to, AvenueCX, LLC. asks that any quote be accompanied by a link to the full article or to the content embedded on an Web page.